Financial Planning
Getting You to Where You Want to Be
Building a financial plan is a lot like building a house, it requires a strong foundation to last a lifetime. Whether you’re just launching your career, starting your family or within arms-reach of retirement, we’re here to help you achieve your dreams with a personalized financial plan throughout every age and stage of your life. We believe financial security is about making well-informed choices guided by expert advice. Our representatives are qualified, licensed professionals who maintain an in-depth understanding of current investment products, as well as, financial strategy.
The Bucket Coach
The Bucket Coach is our financial advice book written exclusively for Ontario Fire Fighters, their families and for other colleagues. The book takes you on a simple, fairly conservative journey through fire services employees lifestyles choices, how to set up a reasonable family budget, how to build and keep wealth, how to fit your business income into your overall income and more.
The result is just as straight-forward. If you follow the book, your net worth will grow and you will enjoy financial well-being. That's not bad for 53 pages of advice - likely about a two-hour read or less for most of us.
So here's the outline - even better get the book at any branch or by contacting us by email and use the tools (all the links are below the outline).
Give These People A Medal A salute to Fire Fighters and their families and a discussion of the unique financial and personal challenges you face. |
Take Control Advice on getting your finances under control by examining your net worth and your regular spending. Plus, some tips for avoiding common financial mistakes that most families make. |
Reduce Advice on spending smarter in categories like food, shelter, transportation, energy, clothes, entertainment, vacations, and technology. Plus, how to use credit properly, maintain a good credit rating, and manage your mortgage. |
Expand Advice on investing in yourself, your family, next year, and the future. The straight goods on risk and finding the right type of investments for you. |
The Better Business Primer Advice on succeeding in your small business, while making sure the extra income doesn't tempt you into bad financial decisions. |
Find A Coach How a financial Coach can help you achieve your goals. |
To get your free copy of The Bucket Coach, you can either click the download link below, come into one of our two branches, or you can call or e-mail us and we'll mail a copy to you.
The Bucket Coach (EPUB file)
* On a tablet or smartphone you'll need a free e-reading app, such as Aldiko or Kobo.
* On a desktop you can use free e-reading software such as Adobe Digital Editions or Calibre.
Download the Net Worth Statement and Money Tracker from The Bucket Coach! Fill them out and you can save them for future reference, or print them and bring them in when you speak to your CFCU Coach. Available in three file formats (if you're not sure which to use, try the PDF first).
Net Worth Statement: |
Money Tracker: |
Financial planning services are available only from advisors who hold financial planning accreditation from applicable regulatory authorities.