Community Events
At Comtech Fire, we use our financial strength, not to enrich shareholders, but to enrich the lives of our members, their families and the communities we serve. Community counts in our eyes. We hold fundraisers, golf tournaments, walk-a-thons, community events and do whatever we can to give back to the communities we serve.
Toronto Fire Fighter David Cossitt Recognized with CFCU's John J. Rider Award

Earlier today, we had the privilege of presenting Toronto Fire's David Cossitt with our John J. Rider award honouring his service to the Fire Fighter community. Congratulations Dave! Thanks to Local 3888 for hosting. David has been instrumental in raising funds to support a variety of Fire Fighter causes, particularly Camp Bucko, the Toronto Fire Fighters Celtic Society and the Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation. Most recently for the CFFF, David has organized the annual Hamilton to Ottawa Bike Ride for the CFFF which has raised over $50,000 in four years since the inception of the event.
Bell Pensioners Group fall meeting and Bell Technical Solutions Employee Appreciation Breakfast
Comtech Fire Credit Union attending the Bell Technical Solutions employee appreciation breakfast in Markham and the Bell Pensioners Group fall meeting in Mississauga, ON. At the Mississauga meeting, Comtech Fire Credit Union presented the inaugural Scott Jamieson Community Service Award to longtime Comtech member Alice GouldComtech Fire Credit Union attending the Bell Technical Solutions employee appreciation breakfast in Markham and the Bell Pensioners Group fall meeting in Mississauga, ON. At the Mississauga meeting, Comtech Fire Credit Union presented the inaugural Scott Jamieson Community Service Award to longtime Comtech member Alice Gould.

Pink Truck Programs on November 1st, 2019
Comtech Fire Credit Union hosts the wind up of the Brampton, Mississauga & Toronto October Pink Truck Programs on November 1st, 2019.
Comtech Fire Credit Union Dedicates IAFF Local 3888 Honour Wall
On October 1st, 2019, Comtech Fire Credit Union was proud to be the exclusive sponsor of the dedication of the Wall of Honour at the Toronto Professional Fire Fighters Association Offices.2019 CFFF Memorial Bike Ride
Comtech Fire Credit Union was a proud supporter of the 2019 CFFF Memorial Bike Ride. We participated in receptions for the cyclists in Belleville and Kingston.
Comtech Fire Credit Union is the Game Day Sponsor for Local Heroes Day with the Ottawa Champions Baseball Club
On August 10th, 2019, Comtech Fire Credit Union was the game day sponsor of the Ottawa Champions Local Heroes day, recognizing the contributions to the community made by Ottawa Fire Fighters and Ottawa Police.
Comtech Fire Credit Union Sponsors Toronto Wolfpack Local Heroes Day
On July 6th, 2019, Comtech Fire Credit Union was the game day sponsor honouring first responders at the Toronto Wolfpack game at Lamport Stadium in Toronto.
Comtech Fire Holds Open House at King Street Branch with the Toronto Wolfpack
On July 3rd, 2019, Comtech Fire partnered with the Toronto Wolfpack to raise money for Camp Bucko.
Comtech Fire Credit Union Holds 7th Annual Canadian Fallen Firefighters Golf Tournament
On May 27th, 2019, 144 golfers participated in our annual Golf Tournament for the CFFF at Markland Wood Golf Club in Toronto. This year's event raised $10,000 bringing our 7 year total contribution to over $100,000!
Comtech Fire Credit Union supports St.Paul's Catholic School BBQ
Comtech Fire Credit Union staff once again this year served a delicious BBQ Dinner to students and parents of St. Paul's Catholic School on June 5th, 2019

Loyalist Township Winter Bonfire
Comtech Fire Credit Union, once again this year, was proud to support the Loyalist Township Winter Bonfire on January 24th, 2019.
Comtech Fire Credit Union Danforth Opening
Comtech Fire officially opened it's newest branch at 531 Danforth Avenue on November 19th, 2018. With many members and special guests in attendance, including Danforth City Councillor Paula Fletcher, CEO John Mach officially cut the ribbon to open the newest business on the Danforth!
Comtech Fire Hosts Wind Up For Pink Truck Programs
Every October, Comtech Fire Credit Union supports various Pink Truck programs raising money for breast cancer awareness. At the end of the month, we host a reception for the volunteer coordinators and the various charities involved at Markland Wood Golf Club. Here are the pictures from the event held on November 2nd, 2018.King Street Branch Opens its "Muskoka" Patio
Comtech Fire's King Street Branch recently opened its new "Muskoka" themed patio directly in front of the branch. With the closure of King Street to vehicular traffic, members and guests will now be able to utilize the patio, with complimentary WiFi to socialize and network with others and of course our staff. Already the patio has been a big hit, and we look forward to meeting you there for coffee and a conversation!
Comtech Fire Credit Union Sixth Annual Charity Golf Tournament
Comtech Fire Credit Union held its sixth annual charity golf tournament in support of the Canadian Fallen Firefighters Foundation on June 29th, 2018 at the Markland Wood Golf Club in Toronto. 132 golfers and over 40 sponsors helped make the event another great success. Since its inception, our tournaments have raised over $75,000 for the Foundation, not including this year's proceeds.

Ontario Credit Union Foundation Golf Tournament
We were glad to take part in the Ontario Credit Union Foundation Golf Classic on May 28th, 2018. The event raised $82,859 for the CU Succeed Youth Bursary program to help students in Ontario pursue post-secondary education.